Since I'm sick of doing stuff for my oral exam next week, I'm gonna post some kewl pictures of cosplayer I found on Flickr today. Some of them are just brilliant!For example this cute Sakura! I think the most difficult part of this cosplay is the wig. You see many many pink wigs out there and a lot of them look very cheap. The outfit itself is rather simple and although my sewing abilities aren't the best, I think it's very easy to sew this outfit. I have no idea how to make the headband, unless you buy it as an official merchandise. If I find one in Japan I'm gonna buy it for my brother xD But I guess I'll be the one to wear it, whenever I'm gonna play Ultimate Ninja Storm with him hahahaha.
Take a look at this very cool Sweeny Todd cosplay! It's not perfect because I think there could be some improvement concerning their makeup but you can see the effo
rt those two put into their outfits. That's the main thing about cosplaying I think. You really have to do your best and put effort and passion into it. Cosplays like this are really awesome because they are so rare. I also like Jack Sparrow cosplays especially when the cosplayer behaves like him xD It's cute.Wohoo, Final Fantasy! Cosplaying a FFcharacter is really hard cause the outfits have lots and lots of details you just can't ignore. If you are planning on cosplaying someone from FF you have to make it perfect! There's just no other way than that. If you wanna stand out inbetween those many FFcosplayers in the world, and believe me, there are millions, your outfit HAS to be perfect. Or at least, nearly
perfect. There is nothing worse than a frouzy cosplay in general. Not that I am a pro-cosplayer myself but I've seen so many bad cosplays, it annoys me. Even these two kids look much better than some teenage cosplayers I've seen. Aaaawww~ They are so cute <3 Mommy did a good job! My next cosplay will be Tomoyo fro Card Captor Sakura. I'll have to sew a white skirt but that won't be a problem because my last
skirt turned out really well. The top, a turtle neck, hoewever will be bought on ebay or something. I've tried to sew it at first but it's waaaaay too tight and the material I've bought quite a while ago is not very good. A little too stretchy and I think I'm gonna sweat a lot in it. *sigh* So I'm gonna buy it and add the sailor collar which
also won't be a problem xD At the moment I'm still confident about my sewing-talent. *nodds* Okay, let's see some more pictures. I think it's Vegeta in his prince outfit... Right? xD It's really difficult to cosplay a character from DB. Major difficulty: the hair. Looks good in this one, though. And the outfit is very very very well done, too. Enough said.
I loooove Muten Roshi XD No, I don't. He's an old perv. But this cosplay is bloody cool! Look at those eyebrows haha. I haven't seen many DB cosplayers besides pseudo-Son Gokus in school. But then again it's really hard to cosplay them. Not even the people from
DB Evolution could get the outfits right -_-" D'oh! Some more Naruto-cosplay here. Naruto's jacket is a little different from the original but it still looks good though. For Sasuke's shirt I think I would have used another material. It looks a bit too shiney. But all in all it's very well done and they put alot of effort into the photos regarding poses and expressions. You can find more fotos of those 4 on Flickr. They kind of reanacted episode three. Even Kakashi's "1000 years of pain" or whatever it was called ^^". There are too many bad Naruto cosplayers out there. No, in general there too many Naruro cosplayers. Just like there are too many L-Cosplayer. It's really annoying when you go into town and a bunch of Naruto-kids are hanging out on front of your favourite shop and behave like screaming monkeys in a cave. Even though you don't know the show you start to dislike it. But I have to say, I quite enjoy watching the show. Not the german version. That sucks sooooo much! I really can't watch it because I get aggressive whenever I hear those stupid voices an
d the lame dialogues O_ó. What was Rtl2 thinking?! They did a great job with One Piece and Dragonball Z though. Speaking of One Piece, I found some pictures, too. This picture of Sanji is great! The suit itself is simple and the major problem, again, is the wig! It's a very good cosplay and the pose is great! Go Sanji! Wohoo! And this Lysopp (a.k.a. Usopp) cosplay is teh awesomeness! No
thing much so say about it - it simply ROCKS! I think
everyone is scared of that nose, that's why Usopp cosplays are rare. I love that right pose XDD So cool! I enjoy watching One Piece. I guess I missed at least 2 seasons but whatever... The next one is Gaara. Looks scary, IS scary. And someone did a good job on photoshop-ing the picture xD. So I don't know how that person really looked, wether the make up looked okay or not. Can't even see the "Love" Kanji on his forehead, either. But besides that, the clothes are nice and
the picture itself is just
"Gaara". Scary kid....
And last but not least: that thing on the left xD I have no idea which Anime it is but cosplays like that are always good for a laugh. Dunno how they manage to transport it though...
And that was my rambling about cosplay.
Maybe I'm gonna post some pictures of my Sailor Saturn Cosplay later.
Right now, I'm really looking forward to AnimagiC and Japan <3
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