Hellou!I'm home again. Well... I've been home since Thursday but was way too lazy to write a new blog entry. Right now my ears are ringing from D'espairsRay's concert in Cologne (which was LOUD)and therefore can't sleep anyway. Might as well write in here!
Riiiight~ I've been to lovely England to visit my lovely family. It was very nice to see my cousins again after three years. They've grown up so much T__T They are really nice boys and very talented, too. My uncle asked my Dad and me to bring along our guitars because one of my cousins wants an acoustic guitar and so he wanted to know on which ones we play. He was very fond of my Dad's guitar XD" Mine was a little too girly, I think haha. =D But as he was so talented in playing on it I got quite mad at myself for sucking so much at guitar playing XD" So we bought a capo at the local guitar shop - which was veeeery cool btw - and as soon as I got home I picked up my guitar and started to play Oasis' Wonderwall. Great song! And now I'm trying to play Franz Ferdinand's Walk away. No problem at the beginning. But the chorus has some dificult chord changes *sigh* And yeah Franz are my latest obsession XD" Dunno why I like them so much suddenly whereas before they never cought my attention that much. I guess it's because I wasn't open for "western" music... You know, just listening to japanese stuff and all. Anyway, I've listened to them all the way from Germany to England and they are brilliant! Of course, there are some songs I don't like: Lucid Dreams - it's a little too "electric" for my taste and way too long (I hate it when songs go on and on and on and on and....) and also Dream Again is... weird. Is it about drugs? XD" And then again there is Eleanor put your boots on which is such a lovely and sweet song, one of my favs. After I found out that Alex had written it for his girlfriend Eleanor I liked it even more XD" She looks quite cute (a bit like from the 70s though XD")I can actually imagine her putting her boots on and starting to run und jump around haha.
Also, the Franz guys seem to be very nice and down to earth.
Love Nick and Alex xD" Dunno about Paul and Bob - they seem to be shy XD" My Grandmother thought they were from Germany xD No, there are from Scotland! Somehow, my Grandmother doesn't like Scottish people *drop* and French people.ID" So I asked - trying to denfend all Scottish people out there - "What's wrong with being Scottish then?" Can't remember what she said but something about that the English never liked the Scottish bla bla. Humbuck. I like listening to Scottish accent. It's somehow very melodic~ When I heard Billy Boid talking in an Lord of the Rings interview back then remember saying to my Mother: "Maybe I'm gonna marry a Scot. Their accent sounds so nice." Hahahahaha XD" That would annoy my Grandmother.
You know who's also Scottish? Doctor Who a.k.a. David Tennant. Love him! *.* And my Grandmother (paradoxicaly) loves him, too. She said: "I wouldn't mind going on a trip with the Doctor if it's David Tennant." or something like that XD" I'm a fan of Doctor Who and so I bought the complete second season (with my dear Rose T___T) on dvd at HMV. God, I LOVE HMV X33 Also bought Tonight:Franz Ferdinand and Coldplay's Viva La Vida. Bought two Doctor Who books as well. *sigh* I'm not emotianally affected by this tv show noooooo~ not at all. It's not like I cried at the 2nd season finale or anything nooooo~ Not that I missed Rose or anything nooooooo~ I'm butch - I can take it when tv shows get sad and tragic! Hah! It's not like I'm gonna cry when the Doctor regenerates and David Tennant as Doctor Who will be no more... No, never! (...... T____T Why..... why, David, why??.... XD")
Went to Brighton on Sunday. And the weather was (as you can see in the first picture)~~~P E R F E C T!~~~ Also perfect for getting a sunburn. I looked like a tomato that day... Geeez! Now I'm slightly tanned ID"I love the Brighton Pier! Went on a ride with my Dad - you know that Water ride splashy thing. Good fun but expensive! @_@ Played table hockey at a broken table and so the game went on and on and on and on and the machine even gave our 50P back XD" I won.
Here are some more pictures:
Me sleeping on the ferry on our way to England. It was so cold and I didn't bring a jacket so my Mom covered me with newspapers XD I look like a homeless, don't I?
Guildford High Street. Love it. Beautiful place.
View from Guildford Castle. Pretty.
Me in a Tree at the Arboretum.
It's a very nice place. In England one is allowed to take the ashes of the deceased home therefore there is no grave other people could visit. You can plant a tree here for a late family member instead of having a grave on the cemetary. Next to the tree for my Grandfather there was a tree with a slip of paper that said: My Mom. It was a child's writing. Very sad.
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