Today I had my reexamination and it was an absolute success! Got an A- again. Now, I definitely and finally have my Abitur! Yatta!!!! *throws hearts*
Also, I had my 5th working day already. Two weeks to go till I visit my family in England. Looking forward to it! X33 On Saturday is Promnight xD I still need to check if my dress looks good with the shoes and with the clutch and so on... Maybe I should put it on now o.o"
Gah those shoes are gonna hurt >.< night ="D

A thing that - well... let's say, moved me was the 7th episode of Majo Saiban. I'm starting to dislike Kaori XD" I thought she was cute and with Toru she was cute, too. But since she's under the witche's spell I can't stand her anymore. And then she faked the whole situation and made Toru worried as hell! Toma did a good job looking desperate XD" But his "Oh my god, my gf's in danger"-face didn't convince me. His eyes were wide and stuff but if I compare it to Ohno's face in Maou when Shiori was suddenly standing in front of him, I have to say, they are miles apart. Gawd, Ohno is a brilliant actor! He amazes me xD He can act, he can sing and he can DRAW! He's a real idol... but not as good looking as most Johnnys. I like him anyway - my fav Arashi member! ^o^
On Saturday was Japan Day in Ddorf. It was reaaaaaaaally cool and I had lots of fun with my dear friends! =D You should check this out:
We are SO famous! XD"
And that's it for now! Byebye
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